Car (1k)  The Spring Hill Trip

The Car Show

Car Show (23k)

One of the highlights of the trip was the car show that Saturn sponsored for our group on the plant grounds.  There were a few 'one-off' cars (seen in the wild colors to the right) built by the plant, as well as a 99 SL2 and a EV1 that we could take for a drive if we wanted to.  Mike Kramer (his car is shown on the left) was there with his SCCA racing SC2.  Many of the plant employees, engineers, and designers stopped by and talked shop with us.  They also filled out survey cards and voted on the show's best car.  Kevin Svarda won with his low Pearl SC2 which was quite a ride.


Christena's Interview (25k)Deebs Interview (19k)

The Saturn Media Center was out filming the event.  Drag racing queen Christena was interviewed with her ram-air SL2, as well as The Saturn Performance Club's leader and organizer, Bill Deebs.  Who knows, maybe there's one of those unique commercials in the works?  There was also a reporter from Autoweek magazine talking to people and taking pictures, so be sure to watch upcoming issues.


Custom paint (13k)

A few of the plant's cars with custom paint jobs that they rolled out for our visit.


The shiny part of Kevin's Pearl SC2, which took first place honors at the car show.


Kevin's engine (17k)

Kramer's Car (26k)

Mike Kramer of Thundersport Racing.  He races SCCA, Showroom Stock C Class.



Rami's Car (26k)Rami's Bumper (17k)

Rami's Nitrous-motivated SL2 that was so low that it could scrape the paint lines off the road.
He made the trip all the way from Florida.


Certificate (6k)


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