The 2003 SPC Rally
The Welcome Center

Welcome Center
Arrival at the Saturn Welcome Center

On Friday morning (May 23), we made our way to the Saturn Welcome Center.

Our security badges.

Inside the Welcome Center


The building that is now the Welcome Center used to be a barn for horses.  Much of the land that Saturn owns around the plant is still farmed.
Inside the Welcome Center are a lot of exhibits dealing with Saturn's history, role in the community, and of course, their cars.

  Jeff C, Arlene C, and Alex P admiring an S-Series engine.

Brenda H and some dummy, and browsing in the Saturn gift shop.

Reception and Plant Tour
We all gathered in a meeting room inside to wait for a bus which would take us on our tour of the plant.  Snacks were provided for us while we all made sure everyone had the necessary security badges for our tour.





Unfortunately, cameras were not allowed inside the plant.  Maybe they knew we'd be keeping an eye out for the upcoming ION Redline models...

As a group of enthusiasts, our tour was a bit longer and more detailed than it normally is for the general public.  This was fine for us, as we were able to get a great look at what needs to happen to build one of these cars.  I was amazed by the complexity of the process, and how clean and organized the plant was.

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