Chicago Auto Show '01

Autoshow sign (42k)

Ticket (6k) The Saturn Performance Club got together for the weekend of February 17, 2001, to attend the Chicago Auto Show, do some dyno testing, and attend a Blue Man Group performance.  Photos can be seen from previous auto show weekend activities in the archives section.

Attendees for this weekend's activities included Deebs, Tapp, Bill H, Lane, Jim G, Mike P, Christena & Jason, Mike L, Wally, Brian J, Greg, Alex, and Dave3181.  It was great to have visitors from 5 states (MI, OH, WI, MN, IL) make the effort and drive to Chicago for the weekend.


The group (25k)
An evening meal.

Saturn VUE (30k)


The crowd at the show on Saturday afternoon was pretty large and there were people everywhere.  Once in the door, we headed straight over to the Saturn exhibit (naturally) where we saw three versions of the new VUE.  I really liked the smooth look of the yellow one below.


Saturn VUE (28k)Saturn VUE (30k)

A Lotus Elise, ready for the track.


Lotus Esprit (24k)


Ford F150 Lightning (30k)


The Ford F150 Lightning.


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