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After Wally, Tapp, and I had returned back to the Deebs house from our three day journey, we decided that 'the guys' would head out with the rental cars for some rally fun on the local back-roads.  Since Wally complained all week about the small-engined Daewoo being a 'gutless pig', Deebs wanted to see what level of performance could be extracted from the small European-spec motor.   We were actually amazed that we were able to find a paved and almost pothole-free road, since many of the roads in the area weren't in as good a condition.

If you've taken a look in my SPC event archives, no doubt you've seen other rental cars that have become a part of the NMC Racing (Not My Car) team.  We had NMC Ireland stickers printed up in advance and couldn't wait to get them on the cars.  As always, we advise you to practice safe renting!  Ok, on to the fun stuff...

Since Deebs had already wrecked and changed one of the tires on his car from all the potholes and wanted to preserve its health, we let him pilot the Daewoo.  And pilot he did...

Air video (33k)
Photo (and amazing timing) by Wally.   Thanks!

Click one of the links below for video.

JUMP.AVI (requires Indeo codec) - 220k
JUMP.MPG (MPEG-1) - 520k (low quality)  

Indeo 5 codec can be downloaded HERE.

Be sure to turn up your sound, and watch for the sparks in the video.


Scrapes (22k)
Looks like other cars have also enjoyed this road.

Our day on the back-roads taught us a few lessons:

 dart.gif (266 bytes) Cars with stock suspension bottom out easily.
 dart.gif (266 bytes) Any non-tire contact with the pavement makes a horrendous noise.
 dart.gif (266 bytes) Cars driven on backroads must not last long in this country.  Now that I think about it, we didn't see many cars older than about 5 years.
 dart.gif (266 bytes) For being cheap-as-dirt, Daewoo makes a pretty durable car.
 dart.gif (266 bytes) Make a mental note: don't buy a used rental car.


Royal burnout video


Click the link below for the burnout video.

BURNOUT.AVI (requires Indeo codec) - 1 meg

Indeo 5 codec can be downloaded HERE.

Be sure to turn up your sound as the engine can be heard bouncing off the rev limiter.


Smelly interior (18k)Smoke cloud (18k)
The inside of the car smelled bad for the rest of our trip.


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