The 2003 SPC Rally
Carrera Suspension Seminar


After wrapping up our car show, we were able to take in a seminar held in one of the classrooms in Saturn's Northfield complex.

Steve Ellis, owner of Carrera Custom, gave a great presentation on suspension parts, how they work, and how to tune them.   Everyone learned a great deal from Steve.  And as a supporter of our Rally, he offered an amazing discount to club members who placed orders on not only Carrera hardware, but a variety of other brands that he carries.  He also provided gift certificates which would be handed out at our final awards ceremony.  And just like the name of his business implies - his specialty is custom applications.  If you're looking for a suspension setup for your Saturn that you can't find anywhere else, Steve's the guy who can help you to put it together.

Update - Due to a number of Saturn owners having extreme difficulty receiving the parts that they've ordered from Carrera Custom, I would personally not recommend doing business with them.  This is unfortunate, since there are very few sources for a Saturn high-performance suspension system these days.  :(

Show car


After the seminar was over, a walk around the building turned up a few special cars on display.
Here you can see a SC2 with a body kit, wheels, and a color-shifting paint job.

Show car


The first


At first glance, this looks like a plain old SL.  But, this just happens to be a bit of Saturn history.  It's the first car ever produced by the company.


This sign was in the window of the red SL.


Sign on the first


Mexican restaurantMexican restaurant

The group went Mexican on Friday evening, dining at the Camino Real restaurant in Franklin, TN.  It was a long day, and we were all looking forward to tomorrow.  Ahh, the smell of burned rubber...


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