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Mountains (37k)
Driving toward the mountains.

Colorful house (24k)
Colorful home near Dingle, County Kerry.

As Deebs and Joanne had their own plans and a lot of work to get done, Wally, Tapp, and I decided to take a trip of our own.

We set off on a 3 day excursion with plans to see some of the more famous places in Ireland.  We headed south, rode the Killimer Ferry, and continued through the town of Tralee.


The beach (30k)Beach view (20k)
The coast near Dingle, and Inch Beach.

Our drive gave us the opportunity to not only take in Ireland's scenery, but also gave us a good look at quite a few nice European car makes & models that we typically don't see in the U.S. - Seat, Vauxhall, Opel, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Renault, Peugeot, Ford Mondeo & Ka, and a few Subaru Impreza WRXs.  Wow.


Alfa Romeo (27k)
Nice Alfa spotted in Dingle.

License plate (10k)

Links of Interest:
 dart.gif (266 bytes) Shannon Ferries
 dart.gif (266 bytes) Tralee Insight


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