The 2004 SPC Rally
The Dragstrip

Arriving at the dragstrip.

We got up early on Friday, July 30, and got on the road to Martin MI, where we'd find US 131 Motorsports Park.

On arrival, all I could think is "WOW".  This was a huge and beautiful track that seemed to exist out in the middle of nowhere.  And it was ours exclusively for half a day.





Our plan was several hours of test & tune, followed by bracket eliminations.  The sky looked like it was going to rain, so we all hoped for some luck.

After a brief driver's meeting, we were out on the track.


 We're ready, let us at it!!

Here's Chris T with the green light.





Since I wanted some video of my own car, Deebs took the car out for a few runs so that I could film.

When he asked me if it was OK to do a burnout, for some reason I didn't think it'd be quite like this.  After all, I hadn't even had the chance to do one this good yet.  Click the link below for some video of Deebs using up my tires.

.AVI (requires Divx 5 codec) - 572k

Divx 5 codec info/download HERE.

Be sure to turn up your sound.


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